Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Is Multiple Personality Disorder or DID Genetic? Part 2

Part 1
As for younger siblings copying the coping mechanism, I have mixed feelings about that. I think they would have to see the coping mechanism to copy it. I think the only way my siblings could have copied my dissociative system would be if they could somehow get inside my head. Certainly the professionals I have come in contact with have never been able to figure it out, so I doubt there is much chance that my younger siblings could.

Also, I don't believe that anyone could tell that I was a multiple for most of my life. So how would my siblings see something to copy? Only once I began peeling the onion of my psyche did the exterior clues begin to manifest.

Appearances were everything in my family of origin. If you could appear normal, you could blend in better. Blending in was of utmost importance. Doing anything that might make the family look bad would have been yet another reason for torture. So it was imperative to be high functioning and look "normal."

To survive in my family of origin, I needed to forget but I needed to know too. My system had a safety check to ensure that I was never a victim because I didn't know something when I should or forget something when I should. Complicated yes but equally it was effective.

But I do believe that we humans have a built in protection system. When life gets too overwhelming or boring for that matter, anyone can zone out to take a break. It happens instinctively. Everyone can relate to zoning out while driving down the same old boring road.

As a multiple I know it's just a little bit farther trip down that zone out to the place that someone new takes over. I am very aware of times in my life where I passed into that zone, thought about my options, and made a choice what to do to survive or escape pain. Did I know at the time I had MPD or even that I was trying to escape my life? No, but I do remember the occurrences.

I think that multiples have such varied ways of presenting because their individual experiences are so varied. The complexity of the system created to deal with abuse must be directly related to the complexity of the abuse and the levels of cruelty of the offenders involved.

As for this part of kat_womanx2 question "certain types of abuse causing a specific problem" I have to say that I don't believe that the coping mechanism in and of itself is the problem. Without it, children would not survive horrific abuse.

I believe the problem comes when the system created doesn't adapt to living a normal life. Some people with MPD never seek out professional help and are high functioning, well respected members of society. Unless an emotional upheaval dramatic enough to upset their system comes along in their life, they will go on functioning just fine.

Because the diagnosis is found in the book, does that make someone mentally ill? Or are they mentally ill because the coping mechanism has not adapted to a life away from abuse causing the person hardship in their lives?


Lori Schmidt (LoriProPhoto) said...
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Lady Of Chaos said...

Everyone has a 'coping system', something they do to get away from it all... Whatever the 'it' is for that person.

I used to detach, it's like looking through the eyes of another person, watching from afar.

Now adays, I go get horsey hugs or goat kisses when life gets too rough. Life ain't always beautiful...

Feel proud that you've found and can deal with your 'coping system'. Most people never get one to begin with, that's what makes them victims instead of survivors...

Lori Schmidt (LoriProPhoto) said...

Hi MiKael

I posted on this entry a few days ago, was worried that I had said something that upset you?

I read this entire blog the day before yesterday, it was a big eye opener for me. This is something that I never knew existed on this level anyway. I was fascinated and couldn't stop reading until I got to your final post.

Wow I dont know what to say, your trials and tribulations make my problems look like nothing.

This blog has however opened my eyes up to the fact that anything is possible in the recovery process. That is my biggest problem, I was diagnosed with depression nearly two years ago. It has been a struggle finding a medication that works for me and I think we may have finally found two.

You are tremendously strong, I admire you immensely for your struggle and candour which I hope will help others understand their situations too and fight their way out of it.

((((Hugs)))) I promise I will e-mail soon, I am going through one of my bad patches at the moment and am finding it hard to even get up in the morning and keep going. The fact that the horses need feeding is the only reason that I do.

Take care.


Rising Rainbow said...

Lady of Chaos, you are right, we all cope in our own ways and many people use detachment as a way to escape. What is important is that those methods don't interfer with the individual having a happy, productive life. Being a victim is definitely a way of life that traps many, many people.

Lori, I don't know how I missed the first comment but did finally locate it after you second so was able to get it put through here.

I'm sorry that you are having a difficult time. If I can do something to help, please let me know.